You have come to the perfect place if you are looking for a Parle Products Price List PDF 2025. In the next section, we have provided you with a link with the help of which you can easily download the catalogue PDF. Parle products are a hot topic in our country right now. They are of good quality, and everyone uses them often. To keep an eye on the prices of Parle products, the best way is to download their PDF.
- Also, See our Category of Articles on the Latest Product Price of different useful products.
We make sure you get the correct information at all costs. That is why we research a lot before providing you with any kind of information. When it comes to our daily life, we all want to save money. Sometimes, we think that price of a certain item is less, but that is not the case in reality. This kind of misunderstanding costs us more money. That is why it is crucial to know about the prices we use daily before buying them.
Download Parle All Products Price List PDF 2025
Who does not eat Parle Biscuits? They are one of the most delicious on the market. But these are not the only items Parle sells. There are plenty of other delicious food items that you can get from this famous brand. We are not only providing you with the list of those items but their prices as well. Knowing the prices will help you buy those items easily because it will be easier for you to save money then.
- Download the List of Parle Products and their Prices Here.
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List of Parle Products
When we hear the world parle first, we think about Parle-G. Parle is, without a doubt, an important part of our childhood. Eating that biscuit after a long tiring day at school was so satisfying. But you will be glad to hear that it is not the only option we have now! Now let us have a look at some of the products by this company and more information regarding them.
- Parle-G – Parle-G Biscuits are immensely popular among the Indian audience. The small packet starts at Rs. 2, and the large packet can be bought for Rs. 10. It is available in a variety of flavors, like, Parle-G Chhota Bheem, Parle-G Gold, etc.
- Monaco – Monaco is another popular biscuit in the Indian Market. Monaco Piri Piri, Monaco Pizza, and Monaco Zeera are what we normally see in the shops around us. The small size of these biscuits, which carry 50G of them, can be bought for Rs. 10.
- Marie – Like Parle-G and Monaco, Marie biscuits are also gaining popularity among Indians. The small packet of Marie biscuits begins with Rs. 5, and the large one, which carries 250G of biscuits, can be bought for Rs. 30.
It is important to stay aware of this kind of information because these small things make big differences.
Final Words
We hope that you enjoyed our article Parle Products Price List PDF. We work hard to provide you with precise and high-quality information. You can find more informative articles like this on our website If you have any questions, then do let us know about that in the comment section. If you have truly liked our article and found it useful, then do not forget to share it with your friends.