Winter Vacations in Bihar 2023-24 (Announced) बड़ी अपडेट

Winter vacations 2023-24 in the state of Bihar have been announced by Patna DMs Order. This year the winter break is announced a little early, keeping in consideration the extreme cold and the ongoing covid situation. The winter break in Bihar will be for fifteen days. All the schools under all boards, be it Bihar board, CBSE, ICSE, or any other board, are requested to follow the winter break duration. 

The schools are likely to reopen after January 16, when the break gets over. However, the government will release a fresh notice about the reopening and which rules are to be followed while attending offline classes. 

Winter Vacations in Bihar Schools 2023-24

Winter vacations in Bihar will be for fifteen days. It will most likely start on 1.01.2024 and will end on 15.01.2024. Bihar is facing extreme cold this year. Especially in the morning hours, the temperature is very low. Attending schools in such a freezing cold is not possible for kids. The authorities are in no mood to risk the lives of kids and force them to attend classes. 

The tenure of winter break should be followed by both government and non-government institutions. The board of higher education has strictly asked all educational institutions to remain closed during the period. 

आमतौर पर अधिकारिक सूचना दिसम्बर महीने के अंत में जारी की जाती है. जैसे ही छुट्टियाँ अधिकारिक तौर पर घोषित की जाएंगी सबसे पहले आप छुट्टियों के बारे में वेबसाइट पर जा कर पता कर पाएँगे. यह साईट आपको सबसे पहले छुटियों के बारे में बताएगी. आप हमारे आर्टिकल को नियमित तौर पर चेक करते रहें. ऑफिसियल सूचना आते ही हम यहा अपडेट कर देंगे.

There is a lot of confusion going on among students and parents about the reopening. You might be wondering whether schools will reopen or not. Whether all students will be allowed to attend classes or not. We will update you about everything here on our website from time to time. Hence, to stay updated about everything, keep checking this space. As of now, the winter break will most probably start on January 1 and will continue for fifteen days. Before reopening, the govt will again release a new notice to inform the public. 

Reopening of Schools in Bihar 

Classes for 9 to 12 were already going on. Keeping in mind the board exams and higher education they are preparing for, the government thought it was necessary for students of classes 9, 10, 11, and 12 to attend the classes. 

The government, however, has released certain covid rules that are to be followed by the school authorities. Here is the list of rules- 

  • Both online and offline classes will be going on simultaneously. If students are not comfortable attending physical school, they can continue to learn through online classes. 
  • All schools, both government and private, should carry thermal screening at the gates. Students must go through the thermal screening, and if any covid symptoms are found, students will be barred from attending classes. 
  • Classes will continue with 50% capacity. Students based on their roll numbers will be informed about their school days by the teachers. 
  • All students should carry their own water bottles. It is their own responsibility to avoid drinking water from others’ bottles. This is to ensure safety and prevent the spread of the virus. 
  • All classrooms should have hand sanitizers. Teachers’ staff rooms and other offices in the schools should also have sanitizers. 
  • All teachers students and other non-teaching staff should wear masks at all times while on the school premises. 

The website has been providing authentic news for the last four years. Any further news regarding the winter break of Bihar 2023-2024 will be notified here. Make sure to share the news with your friends and family to inform them about the same. 

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