Opposite Words Class 2

Opposite words can be a bit tricky to learn. You see, there are thousands and thousands of words in English, and many words have their own opposite word. So, it can be pretty tough to learn them all. But what matters is how you begin your learning journey. The sooner your start, the better it is. When you are in class 2, you already come across a number of words and their opposite words.

And that is when you should start paying attention to such words. To help you build your basics of opposite words in class 2, we have brought you the opposite words class 2 list. We hope that you will find it useful. Let us begin learning without using much time! 

Download Opposite Words Class 2 PDF

Downloading the PDF is the best way to get all the important opposite words lists. Our PDF contains all the necessary opposite words you should learn in Class 2. 

Make sure you learn all these words well. Revise these words again and again in order to memorize them properly. 

Opposite Words List for Class 2

Here we bring you the most common opposite words to learn in Class 2. Learning these opposite words will surely help you to strengthen your vocabulary skills.

  1. visible – invisible
  2. top – bottom
  3. sweet – sour
  4. skinny – fat
  5. visible – invisible
  6. top – bottom
  7. skinny – fat
  8. rich – poor
  9. peace – war
  10. full – empty
  11. employed – unemployed
  12. clever – foolish
  13. before – after
  14. ally – enemy
  15. victory – defeat
  16. together – separate
  17. supporter – opponent
  18. rich – poor
  19. peace – war
  20. natural – artificial
  21. man – woman
  22. light – dark
  23. inside – outside
  24. heavy – light
  25. single – married
  26. remember – forget
  27. opposite – same
  28. more – less
  29. major – minor
  30. left – right
  31. in – out
  32. wide – narrow
  33. up – down
  34. tight – loose
  35. sunny – cloudy
  36. sharp – blunt
  37. pretty – ugly
  38. healthy – sick
  39. fast – slow
  40. early – late
  41. child – adult
  42. bad – good
  43. on – off
  44. messy – neat
  45. long – short
  46. kind – cruel
  47. humid – dry
  48. happy – sad
  49. start – finish
  50. rude – polite
  51. powerful – weak
  52. normal – strange
  53. married – single
  54. little – big
  55. fancy – plain
  56. difficult – easy
  57. brief – long
  58. awake – asleep
  59. wet – dry
  60. unity – division
  61. ask – reply
  62. youth – adulthood
  63. useful – useless
  64. tiny – huge
  65. sunny – cloudy
  66. shiny – dull
  67. regret – satisfaction
  68. open – closed
  69. thick – thin
  70. junior – senior
  71. hot – cold
  72. give – take
  73. even – odd
  74. deep – shallow
  75. boy – girl
  76. modern – ancient
  77. love – hate
  78. laugh – cry
  79. import – export
  80. hard – easy
  81. far – near
  82. special – general
  83. rich – wealthy
  84. poverty – wealth
  85. night – day
  86. many – few
  87. liquid – solid
  88. interesting – boring
  89. honest – dishonest
  90. funny – serious
  91. entrance – exit
  92. closed – open
  93. dim – bright
  94. cheap – expensive
  95. awful – excellent
  96. visitor – host
  97. truth – lie
  98. tall – short
  99. blank – completed
  100. amateur – professional

Final Words

We hope that you found the article Opposite Words Class 2 by www.TheDarshika.com informative and helpful. To get educational material for free, you can visit our website and find it there. We provide easy downloading options for students struggling to find study material. Share this article with your friends so they can also learn opposite words well. Do not forget to leave a comment to let us know which study material you want us to bring next. 

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