Office Babu Income Tax Calculator FY 2024-25 in Excel (New)

Financial Year 2024-25 is now coming to an end. Government employees, govt teachers in Haryana, clerks, office babu, and guest teachers Haryana need an Income Tax Calculator to calculate their annual income. You have to declare your income from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025. Office Babu Income Tax Calculator helps all of you to calculate your annual salary and income tax. The new calculator for the Financial Year 2024-25 (The assessment Year 2025-26) has been released. Download the Excel calculator from our site

Also See:

We have put some income tax calculation formulas in the Excel sheet. Recently we have updated the new calculator for the financial year 2024-25. The financial year 2024-25 is the assessment year 2025-26. You can take the help of this calculator. With the help of this calculator, you can calculate your income tax easily.

Office Babu Income Tax Calculator FY 2024-25 in Excel (New) 1

Office Babu Income Tax Calculator 2024-25

Income Tax: Financial Year 2024-25 Some important Points to calculate your salary as Income-

Teachers are salaried employees. They earn their income by salary. To calculate the salary, the salary tax calculator is given hereunder in an Excel file. You can download this.

1.Income Tax Calculator 2024-25 (For Regular Employees and Officers) with 10E (Men/Women)Click Here
2.Income Tax Calculator 2024-25 (For Guest Teachers) with 10E (Men/Women)Click Here
  • Office Babu Tax Calculator 2024-25 has been released (Download in Excel Format)

Note:- If you face any difficulty in downloading the Excel file, then try a different internet browser. Your problem will be solved.

These calculators are useful for Haryana Government teachers as well as regular govt employees. Guest teachers of Haryana can also calculate their salaries with this calculator.

The income Tax calculation formula in an excel file has been placed to calculate Tax for the financial year. This made it a simple calculator and easy to operate by the people.

Sources – income tax calculator

How to Use Office Babu Income Tax Calculator

This software is made in MS-excel including all formulas following recent income tax rules/slabs. Download the software, which contains three sheets as shown in the following image.

Office Babu Income Tax Calculator
  1. First of all, you will see the 1st sheet i.e. introduction sheet.
  2. Fill Your Name, Post and other details like Basic Pay, Insurance, GPF or New Pension Scheme (NPS) Deductions etc
  3. Then click on sheet no. 2 i.e. Statement. You will see that your salary statement is automatically generated.
  4. Compare this statement with your official salary statement, Both will be same. However, if there is any difference you can edit the statement sheet of this calculator.
  5. Finally, click on sheet no. 3 i.e. Tax and find the amount of balance tax to be paid.
  6. Fill this amount in the month of Jan paid in Feb or Feb. paid in March.
  7. Check again Tax sheet. You will see Balance tax to be paid is zero.
  8. You can print your salary statement and Tax Calculation Performs and Form 16.
  1. Gross Income कुल सकल आय मे 50000(Standard Deduction) घटायें।
  2. इसके बाद आवास भत्ता HRA House Rent Allowance (यदि किराये के मकान में रहते हैं) घटायें। (Attach and submit HRA House rent Receipt)
  3. इसके बाद धारा 80-C के तहत निवेश, जिसमें बच्चों स्कूल की Tuition Fees, Life Insurance, होम लोन का प्रिंसिपल, आदि (सबको मिलाकर अधिकतम 150000 तक) घटायें।
  4. यदि होम लोन लिया है तो आयकर की धारा 24(B) के तहत होम लोन पर एक साल में जितना ब्याज (अधिकतम 2 लाख) लगा हो, वो घटा दीजिये।
  5. यदि आपने इस फाइनेंशियल ईयर में घर खरीदा है तो उसकी खरीद में लगने वाली स्टाम्प ड्यूटी की छूट भी मिलती है।
  6. धारा 80-D के अंतर्गत(अन्य. स्वास्थ्य बीमा, लम्बी बीमारी का खर्च व अन्य)घटाएं।
  7. दिव्यांग कर्मचारी/शिक्षक 80C के अतिरिक्त 80-U के अंतर्गत 40% से 80% तक दिव्यांगता पर 75000 और 80% अधिक की दिव्यांगता पर 125000 की अतिरिक्त छूट मिलती है, इसके लिए दिव्यांग प्रमाणपत्र लगाना आवश्यक है।
  8. इसके बाद घटने से बची धनराशि कर योग्य आय होगी। इस धनराशि मे ₹ 250000 तक 0% आयकर,
  9. ₹ 250001 से ₹ 500000 तक 5%आयकर निकालें।
  10. ₹ 5000001से ₹ 1000000/तक 20% आयकर निकाले।
  11. फिर 5% और 20% आयकर को जोड़ ले।
  12. अगर कुल कर योग्य आय ₹ 350000 तक है तो धारा 87A के अन्तर्गत ₹2500 की छूट मिलेगी और 350000 से ऊपर आय होगी तो ₹2500की छूट नही मिलेगी।
  13. इसके बाद कुल टैक्स का 4% निकालें।
  14. शिक्षा उपकर निकाले और कुल टैक्स में इस 4% शिक्षा उपकर को जोड़ ले।
  15. इसके बाद पूर्व में प्रति माह कुल 11 महीने में काटा गया अग्रिम आयकर (एडवांस टैक्स)
  16. शेष बची धनराशि शुद्ध कुल आयकर (इनकम टैक्स) होगी, जो आपके फरवरी माह के वेतन से काटी जाएगी।

New Income Tax Slabs- Beneficial or Not

In the budget, the finance department has amended income tax rates. According to the new regime of income tax, a person has to choose one from the old and new regimes. Here we have been given a calculator. With the help of this free calculator, you will be able to find whether the new regime is beneficial or not.

This new system is for calculating the salary for the financial year 2023-24 You can download the Income Tax Comparison Calculator from here. If you find any problem with the Officebabu income tax calculator contact the numbers shown on the calculator.

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