Students of the Haryana Board can easily download the monthly syllabus from our website Here on this website syllabus has been given for classes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th. You can download the Monthly syllabus for all the subjects like Hindi, English, Maths, Science, Social Science, Punjabi, Urdu, Sanskrit, etc. SCERT Haryana has prepared this syllabus month-wise. It is applicable for the new academic session of 2024-25. (State Council of Education Research and Training). In this distribution of syllabus, you can get what chapters you should learn in a specific month.
Haryana Board Half Yearly Exam Date Sheet 6th to 12th
Are you searching date sheet for the Haryana Board schools? You are at the right place here in this article you will get the detailed date sheets for the schools in Haryana. The directorate of School Education Haryana has recently issued the date sheet for the Half Yearly Exams for classes 6th to 12th. The Exams will be held in September and October 2024. A detailed date sheet for each class is given in this article. Check this date sheet and prepare for the exams accordingly.
Haryana Open School Admission Form Last Date (10 & 12)
HOS or Haryana Open School Admission 2024-2025 Fresh: Registrations for classes 10th and 12th for the Fresh Candidates Haryana board are going on. You can apply from 16/09/2024 to 15/10/2024 without a late fee. We will tell you the complete schedule of the admission process with late fees and without late fees here released by HBSE. Keep visiting for more latest updates regarding the Last date, Online Admission Form, Online Apply, Fees, and Eligibility.
HBSE Class 9 Old Question Papers 2017, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Haryana Board 9th Class Sample Paper, HBSE 9th Class Previous Year Question Papers 2017, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24: Hey readers, we are back with another useful study material for the class 9th students studying under the Haryana Board of Secondary Examination (HBSE). It is exam time. The Board of School Education Haryana has recently announced the date sheet for the annual exams 9th class.
HBSE Syllabus for Class 9th Haryana Board
Here is the latest news for the Haryana Board’s students. If you are a student of the 9th class, this post will tell you about the complete HBSE 9th class syllabus. This syllabus will be applicable for the academic session 2024-25. This syllabus is applicable in both Govt and Private schools affiliated with the Board of School Education, Bhiwani, Haryana.