GK Questions For Class 1 to 4 With Answers

If you are looking forĀ GK Questions For Class 1 to 4 With Answers 2024, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we have brought you an excellent set of questions with PDF for classes 1 to 4. You will find these questions extremely helpful if you are looking to boost your GK. Make sure you read these questions daily to enhance your knowledge of the subjects around you.

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GK Questions For Class 1 

1) How many sense organs do we have?

Answer: 5

2) What color is the sunflower?

Answer Yellow

3) What is the national sport of India?

Answer: Hockey

4) How many legs do cows have?

Answer: 4

5) What season should we put on a sweater?

Answer: Winters

6) On what date, do we celebrate Independence Day in India?

Answer 15th August

7) Who was the very first Prime Minister of India?

Answer: Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

8) How many minutes an hour has?

Answer: 60 min.

9) What color is cow’s milk?

Answer: White

10) Which planet is the closest to the Sun?

Answer: Mercury

11) Name the vowels used in English.

Answer: a, e, i, o, u.

12) Which animal is the longest on the planet?

Answer: Giraffe

13) Which is the largest nation on earth?

Answer: Russia

14) Which is the state with the lowest population in India?

Answer: Sikkim

15) Which is the capital city of India?

Answer: Delhi

16) What part of the plant lies beneath the soil?

Answer: Roots

17) What color is the sky?

Answer: Blue

19) How many wheels can an automobile have?

Answer: 4

20) What gas do we inhale to stay alive?

Answer: Oxygen

GK Questions For Class 2 

1) What is the lengthiest edge of a right-angled triangle?

Ans: Hypotenuse

2) How many zeros do you have in one million?

Ans: Six

3) How many planets comprise our solar system?

Ans: Eight.

4) Name the planets that are part of our solar system.

Answer: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

5) Which is the planet closest to Earth?

Ans: Venus.

6) Which planet is the farthest from Earth?

Ans: Neptune.

7) What number of moons does the earth have?

Ans One

8) What planet is home to the highest number of moons?

Ans: Saturn

9) How many moons does Saturn have?

Ans: 82

10) Which moon is the biggest in the solar system?

Ans: Ganymede

11) How many layers are in the Earth’s atmosphere?

Ans: Five.

12) What’s the main cause of the sun’s energy?

Ans: The fusion between Hydrogen and Helium.

13) Which planet is closest to the Sun?

Ans: Mercury.

14) What is the time that sunlight needs to travel to the Earth?

Ans: 8 minutes and 20 seconds.

15) How long does moonlight need to travel to the Earth?

Ans: 1.26 seconds.

16) Who was the person to invent the phone?

Ans: Alexander Graham Bell

17) Who was the first to invent the radio?

Ans: Guglielmo Marconi

18) Who wrote the national anthem for India?

Ans: Rabindranath Tagore

19) How many colors are there in the rainbow?

Ans: Seven.

20) What are the colors that make up the rainbow?

Ans: Orange, Red, Yellow, Green Blue, Indigo, and Violet.

GK Questions For Class 3 

1) Which country invented chess?

Answer: India

2) What are these three negative numbers which yield the same result when multiplied, then added?

Answer:1,2,3 (1+2+3=6 as well as 1*2*3 =6)

3) What is the term for a polygon that has five sides?

Answer: Pentagon

4) What planet’s satellite is the moon?

Answer: Earth

5) What exactly is a Kangaroo baby is?

Answer: Joeys

6) Which is the most massive planet in the solar system?

Answer: Jupiter

7). What is the National Tree of India?

Answer: Banyan Tree

8) What was the name of the first President of India?

Answer: Dr. Rajendra Prasad

9) Who was the very first Prime Minister of India?

Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru

10) The highest mountain anywhere in the globe?

Answer: Mount Everest

11) The tiniest country on earth is?

Answer: Vatican City

12) The highest mountain in India?

Answer: Kangchenjunga

13) What city in Asia has the first electronic street light, in 1905?

Answer: Bengaluru

14) What is the National Fruit of India?

Answer: Mango

15) Which is the largest component of your brain?

Answer: Cerebrum

16) Which is the holiest river in India?

Answer: Ganga

17) Who is the creator of the bestselling publication My country My Life?

Answer: L.K Advani

18) The capital city of which city is Andaman and Nicobar?

Answer: Port Blair

19) Which is the most populous continent on earth?

Answer: Asia

20) Which is the smallest continent on earth?

Answer: Australia

GK Questions For Class 4 

1) Who is referred to as”the Father of Geometry?

Ans: Euclid

2) Which number doesn’t have a reciprocal?

Ans: Zero

3) Which is the largest three-digit number?

Ans: 999

4) Greenland belongs to Which European nation?

Ans: Denmark

5) Which bird is the national bird of India?

Ans: Peacock

6) Who wrote the book ‘The Stories of My Experiments With Truth”?

Ans: Mahatma Gandhi

7) Which is the biggest scorching desert in the World?

Ans: Sahara Desert

8) Which of the human body’s organs is the largest?

Ans: Skin

9) Which is the most powerful animal on the planet?

Ans: Blue Whale

10) On What Day is National Girl Child Day celebrated in India?

Ans: 24th January

11) Who is referred to as the Nightingale from India?

Ans: Sarojini Naidu

12) Who came up with the idea for the light bulb?

Ans: Thomas Alva Edison

13) What planet is also referred to as the Red Planet of the solar system?

Ans: Mars

14) Who came up with Penicillin?

Ans: Alexander Fleming

15) Who invented the first Aeroplane?

Ans: Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright

16) What is the biggest moon in the constellation of Saturn?

Ans: Titan

17) Who was the first to invent the Computer?

Ans: Charles Babbage

18) Who founded Google?

Ans: Larry Page and Sergey Brin

19) Who is the creator of Facebook?

Ans: Mark Zuckerberg

20) Which is the longest of the rivers?

Ans: Nile

Final Words

We hope you will find the GK Questions for Class 1 to 4 With Answers helpful and informative. No matter in which class you study, these questions will enhance your knowledge. To read more questions like these, please visit www.TheDarshika.com. We bring you a ton of informative content that boosts your IQ and Knowledge. Share the article with your friends to help them increase their knowledge as well. You can also leave a comment down below to let us know your thoughts regarding this content. 

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