Download: HTET PGT Computer Science Syllabus in Pdf

Are you appearing for the HTET PGT exam 2023 for computer science?

Download: HTET PGT Computer Science Syllabus in Pdf 1

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If yes then you might want to know about the HTET PGT Computer Science Syllabus for the exam. As the HTET exam is coming near, you have to prepare for the exam if you want to pass this. For the better preparation of the exam, you might need to know HTET PGT Computer Science Syllabus. Here you will get the new syllabus in Pdf format. You can see which topics will have to be prepared for your H Tet examinations. So download the syllabus and start preparing for your upcoming examinations.

Here we will also tell you the best books for HTET Exam, Notes, Previous year question papers. With the help of this you will be able to pass your HTET Exam even in the first attempt. So keep reading this post carefully.

You can prepare for the exam with the help of textbooks of class 9 to 12 of the Haryana board. The questions in the exam will be based on the syllabus of class IX to XII of the Haryana Board. But here is something that you should keep in mind:

The Difficulty Level: The difficulty level of the questions of the HTET exam could be up to the post-graduation level.

Latest NEWS: HBSE has declared the new exam dates for the paper to be held this year. You can check HTET exam dates by clicking on the following link.

HTET PGT Computer Science Syllabus 2023 in Pdf

Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test is for those who want to become a teacher in the schools of Haryana. The test is conducted at 3 levels.

Level 1 – Level 1, is for those candidates, who wish to become Primary teachers. These teachers are called as PRT or JBT teachers. The JBT teachers in Haryana teach classes 1st to 5th in the govt schools of the state.

Level 2 – Level 2, is for those candidates who wish to become trained graduate teachers. These teachers are called TGT. They teach classes 6th to 10th.

Level 3 – Level 3, is for those who wish to become Post Graduate Teachers. These teachers teach classes 9th to 12th. The teachers are called PGT teachers in short. For different subjects there are different teachers in the state.

Here we will tell you the syllabus for computer science. But before we tell you the complete syllabus, here is a brief detail of the HTET PGT Computer Science Exam Pattern.

HTET PGT exam will be of 150 marks. The duration of the exam will be 2 hours and 30 minutes. There will be a total of 4 sections in the question paper. These four sections are described as under:-

Subject/SectionNo. of Ques.Marks
Child Development and Pedagogy3030
Language (Hindi+English)15+15=3015+15=30
General Studies3030
Subject Specific As opted 6060

HBSE has given the detailed syllabus for all the above-mentioned subjects cum sections.

HTET PGT Computer Science Syllabus 2019 in Pdf

We will discuss all these one by one.

Child Development and Pedagogy-CDP

This subject is related to the development of the Child. It focuses on the mind and behaviour of the children of different age groups. The test items in this section will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning. This will be relevant to the students of age group 14-17.

Here is the brief syllabus of CDP:-

Child Development and Pedagogy - 30 Marksबाल विकास और अध्यापन - 30 Marks
a) Child Developmenta) बाल विकास
i) The concept of development and its relationship with learningi) विकास की अवधारणा और सीखने के साथ इसके संबंध। 
ii) Principles of the development of childrenii) बच्चों के विकास के सिद्धांत। 
iii) Influence of Heredity & Environmentiii) आनुवंशिकता और पर्यावरण का प्रभाव। 
iv) Socialization processes: Social world & children (Teacher, Parents, Peers)iv) सामाजिककरण प्रक्रियाएं: सामाजिक दुनिया और बच्चे (शिक्षक, माता-पिता, सहकर्मी)। 
v) Piaget, Kohlberg and Vygotsky: constructs and critical perspectivesv) पायगेट, कोहल्बर्ग और विगोत्स्की: संरचनाएं और महत्वपूर्ण दृष्टिकोण। 
vi) Concepts of Child-centered and progressive educationvi) बाल केंद्रित और प्रगतिशील शिक्षा की अवधारणाएं। 
vii) Critical perspective of the construct of Intelligencevii) बुद्धि की रचना का आलोचनात्मक दृष्टिकोण। 
viii) Multi-Dimensional Intelligenceviii) बहुआयामी बुद्धि। 
ix) Language & Thoughtix) भाषा और विचार। 
x) Gender as a social construct; gender roles, gender-bias and educational practicex) एक सामाजिक निर्माण के रूप में लिंग; लिंग भूमिकाएं, लिंग-भेद और शैक्षणिक अभ्यास। 
xi) Individual differences among learners, understanding differences based on diversity of language, caste, gender, community, religion etc.xi) शिक्षार्थियों के बीच व्यक्तिगत मतभेद, भाषा, जाति, लिंग, समुदाय, धर्म आदि की विविधता पर मतभेदों को समझना।
xii) The distinction between Assessment of learning; Schoool-Based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation: perspective and practice.xii) सीखने के आकलन के बीच अंतर; स्कूल-आधारित आकलन, निरंतर और व्यापक मूल्यांकन: परिप्रेक्ष्य और अभ्यास। 
xiii) Formulating appropriate questions for assessing readiness levels of learners; for enhancing learning and critical thinking in the classroom and for assessing learner achievement.xiii) शिक्षार्थियों के तैयारी के स्तर का आकलन करने के लिए उचित प्रश्न तैयार करना; कक्षा में सीखने और महत्वपूर्ण सोच को बढ़ाने और सीखने की उपलब्धि का आकलन करने के लिए। 
b) Concept of Inclusive education and understanding children with special needsb) समावेशी शिक्षा की अवधारणा और विशेष जरूरतों वाले बच्चों को समझना
i) Addressing learners from diverse backgrounds including disadvantaged and deprived.i) गैर-लाभप्रद और अवसर से वंचित शिक्षार्थियों सहित विभिन्न प्रष्ठभूमि से आए शिक्षार्थी की आवशकताओं को समझना।
ii) Addressing the needs of children with learning difficulties, ‘impairment’ etcii) अधिगम सम्बन्धी समस्याएं, कठिनाई वाले बालकों की आवश्यकताओं को समझना।
iii) Addressing the Talented, Creative, Specially abled Learnersiii) मेधावी, सृजनशील, विशिष्ट प्रतिभावान शिक्षार्थी की आवशयकताओं को समझना।
c) Learning and Pedagogy(ग) सिखाना एवं अध्यापन
i) How children think and learn; how and why children ‘fail’ to achieve success in school performance.i) बालक किस प्रकार सीखते और सोचते है? बालक विद्यालय प्रदर्शन में सफलता प्राप्त करने में कैसे और क्यों असफल होते है?
ii) Basic processes of teaching and learning; children’s strategies of learning; learning as a social activity; social context of learning.ii) अधिगम और अध्यापन की बुनियादी प्रक्रियाएं, बालकों की अधिगम कार्य नीतियां, सामाजिक क्रिया कलाप के रूप में अधिगम, अधिगम में सामाजिक सन्दर्भ।
iii) Child as a problem solver and a ‘scientific investigator’iii) एक समस्या समाधानकर्ता और एक वैज्ञानिक अन्वेषक के रूप में बालक।
iv) Alternative conceptions of learning in children, understanding children’s ‘errors’ as significant steps in the learning process.iv) बालकों में अधिगम की वैकल्पिक संकल्पना, अधिगम प्रक्रिया में महत्वपूर्ण चरणों के रूप में बालक की त्रुटियों को समझना।
v) Cognition & Emotionsv) बोध एवं संवेदनाएं।
vi) Motivation and learningvi) प्रेरणा एवं अधिगम।
vii) Factors contributing to learning – personal & environmentalvii) सीखने में योगदान करने वाले कारक - व्यक्तिगत और पर्यावरण। 

Language (Hindi+English)

The language section can be divided into two parts. These parts are Hindi and English. The syllabus of these two subjects is as follows:-

i) English Syllabus: 15 Marks
Topics for the English Language
Conjugation & InterjectionsTenses
PunctuationSpelling Test
Fill in the BlanksClauses
ii) Hindi Syllabus: 15 Marks
हिंदी भाषा के लिए पाठ्यक्रम
हिंदी भाषाअपठित गद्यांश/पद्यांश
हिंदी की ध्वनि व्यवस्था और मानक हिंदीवाक्य रचना
विराम चिन्हविलोम, समानार्थी, समान ध्वनियों वाले शब्द। 
संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, लिंग, क्रिया एवं विशेषण के भेदवचन
प्रत्यय, उपसर्ग, तत्सम, तदभव, व् देशज शब्दों की पहचान एवं उनमे अन्तर।मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ।
सन्धिवाच्य, समास एवं अलंकार के भेद।
काल एवं प्रसिद्ध कवि, लेखक और उनकी रचनाएँ।

Maths (Only for PRT)

This section is only related to the PRT aspirants.

Mathematics Topics
a) Contentsa) Contents
Geometry, Shapes & Spatial Understanding, Solids around us, Numbers, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Measurement, Weight, Time, Volume, Data Handling, Patterns and Money.ज्यामिति, आकार और स्थानिक समझ, हमारे चारों ओर विद्यमान ठोस पदार्थ, संख्याएं, जोड़ना और घटाना, गुणा करना, विभाजन, मापन, भार, समय, परिमाण, आंकड़ा प्रबंधन, पैटर्न, राशि।
b) Pedagogical Issuesb) अध्यापन संबंधी मुद्दे
Nature of Mathematics/Logical thinking; understanding children's thinking and reasoning patterns and strategies of making meaning and learningगणितीय/तार्किक चिंतन की प्रकृतिः बालक के चिंतन एवं तर्कशक्ति पैटर्नों तथा अर्थ निकालने और अधिगम की कार्यनीतियों को समझना।
Place of Mathematics in Curriculumपाठ्यचर्या में गणित का स्थान।
Language of Mathematicsगणित की भाषा।
Community Mathematicsसामुदायिक गणित।
Evaluation through formal and informal methodsऔपचारिक एवं अनौपचारिक पद्धतियोंके माध्यम से मूल्यांकन।
Problem of Teachingशिक्षण की समस्याएं।
Error analysis and related aspects of learning and teachingत्रुटि विश्लेषण तथा अधिगम एवं अध्यापन के प्रांसगिक पहलू।
Diagnostic and Remedial Teachingनैदानिक एवं उपचारात्मक शिक्षण।

General Studies

The section is divided into three parts. These parts are Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability and General Knowledge of Haryana. Each section contains 10 marks.

i) Quantitative Aptitude: 10 Marks
Quantitative Aptitudeसंख्यात्मक अभीयोग्यता
Number Systemसंख्या पद्धति 
Profit/Loss and Discountsलाभ हानि और छूट
Work and Timeकार्य और समय
Speed, Distance and Timeगति, दूरी और समय
Ratio and proportionअनुपात एवं समानुपात
HCF & LCMलघुत्तम महत्तम समापवर्त्य
Number of Figuresआकंड़ों की संख्या
Number Seriesसंख्या श्रेणी
(ii) Reasoning Ability: 10 Marks
Reasoning Abilityरीजनिंग क्षमता
Analogy testसादृश्यता परीक्षण
English Alphabetअंग्रेजी की वर्णमाला
Series Testश्रृंखला परीक्षण
Directionsदिशा परीक्षण
Blood Relationsरक्त सम्बन्ध 
Venn Diagramवेन आरेख
Calendar and Watchकैलेण्डर और घडी
Puzzlesपहेली परीक्षण
(iii) General Knowledge of Haryana: 10 Marks
Haryana General Knowledge हरियाणा समान्य ज्ञान
Haryana: A Brief Introductionहरियाणा: संक्षिप्त परिचय 
The History of Haryanaहरियाणा का इतिहास
Role of Haryana in the National Movementराष्ट्रीय आन्दोलन में हरियाणा की भूमिका।
Rise of Haryanaहरियाणा प्रदेश का उदय
Geography of Haryanaहरियाणा: भोगौलिक स्थिति
Haryana Administrative Structureहरियाणा प्रशासनिक ढाँचा 
Haryana: Agricultureहरियाणा: कृषि 
Haryana: Irrigation and various schemesहरियाणा: सिंचाई एवं विभिन्न परियोजनाएं
Haryana: Animal Estatesहरियाणा: पशु सम्पदा
Haryana: Mineral, forest, wildlife and environmentहरियाणा: खनिज पदार्थ, वन, वन्यजीव एवं पर्यावरण। 
Haryana: Major Industriesहरियाणा: प्रमुख उद्योग

Subject Specific: PGT Computer Science Syllabus 2023

There will be 60 Multiple Choice questions in the last section. These questions will be asked from the subject opted for Level II (TGT) and Level III (PGT) examination.

For Level II: You should read the textbooks up to +2 level for computer science.

For Level III: You should study the syllabus of computer science up to graduation level.

So follow subject opted textbooks up to graduation level.

If you need any guidance regarding HTET then we are here to help you. We will provide you previous year question papers of HTET also. Very soon we are going to provide you the best notes for HTET exams. If you have any questions regarding HTET PGT Computer science syllabus then please leave a comment in the box below. We will reply to you as soon as possible. Thanks for reading the post.

5 thoughts on “Download: HTET PGT Computer Science Syllabus in Pdf”

  1. My name nitin and I post graduate mca .I belong to Jaipur please tell me that fill the form htet and what syllabus of computer science.thanks

  2. ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਸਾਇੰਸ਼ ਦਾ ਸਲੇਬਸ ਵਿਸਥਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਦਿਓ ਜੀ ਕਿ ਕਿਹੜੇ ਭਾਗ ਦੇ ਕਿੰਨੇ ਪ੍ਰਸ਼ਨ ਆਉਣੇ ਹਨ?

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